Activity Timer costs $1.49 a month Remove non-product link. It drops onto your spreadsheet in the task pane (right side) and it’s easy to use. This Add-In works like a stop watch, so you can clock and record all of your activities and/or projects throughout the day. For businesses that bill out their employees’ time, such as law offices, computer support companies and the like, Time Management Add-Ins will save you and your colleagues a mountain of time. Time management Add-Ins are very popular because they track your activities, then produce a host of reports to illustrate how you (and your staff) spend your time.

We made our selections based on personal need, the Add-Ins’ features and efficiency, the learning curve, and the cost. Note that some are new and some have been around for a while. Now that you understand how to locate and install Excel Add-Ins, here (below) are some of our favorites. Also, I have Excel 2013 and Excel 2016, and everything we tested here works in both versions (probably because they are so similar), regardless of the versions listed (some Add-Ins need to be updated).

We tested most of the Add-Ins mentioned in this article, and many of those that received low ratings are actually quite helpful.

Take the stars/reviews shown in the Microsoft App store with a grain of salt.